In this milestone sermon series, travel back in time to 1996 . . . and hear timeless truths on God’s wisdom that paved the way for the launch of the grace revolution around the world. In Part 1 of this classic collection by Joseph Prince, you’ll hear foundational messages that show you how to:
Receive God’s wisdom that unlocks His guidance for your life.
Flow accurately with God when you learn Biblical meditation.
Shine forth with God’s glory and be a testimony for Him in these dark days.
Let these milestone messages on wisdom kickstart your journey of walking in God’s plans and purposes for your life!
*Disclaimer: Do note that as this is a classic sermon (before 2006), the
quality of this sermon’s audio may not be as refined as compared to our
later sermons, as this was recorded in a location with limited audio
capabilities. Thank you for your understanding
Joseph Prince On Wisdom—A Classic Collection From 1996 (Part 1)
22 March 2023
Format: MP3 Series
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