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The Cross—God's Masterplan For Your Peace & Joy

The Cross—God's Masterplan For Your Peace & Joy

1 February 2018

In This Series

Live a victorious life overflowing with an abundance of peace and joy! In this eye-opening audio series, Joseph Prince shows you how you can reign over every disease, financial lack, and fear when you focus on Jesus’ goodness and trust in what He has done for you at the cross. Discover why you can stand confident in God’s great masterplan for you through the gift of His Son, and see all your enemies put under your feet!

MP3 Album (2 sermons—approx. total duration: 2hr 47min)
• Only His Finished Work Works, So Guard It! (approx. duration: 1hr 31min)
• Jesus' Resurrection—Heaven's Receipt For Your Peace And Joy (approx. duration: 1hr 16min)
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1 Recommendation

April 21, 2019
Jeetendra Singh
it has deep meaning And helps me to understand Him in deeper.

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