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Faith That Delights The Lord

Faith That Delights The Lord

24 December 2020

About This Sermon

Faith delights the Lord because it opens the floodgates for His breakthroughs and miracles to flow into your life! From the stories of underdogs in the Bible who faced impossible odds with unstoppable faith, find out how you, too, can face life and all its challenges with the same spirit of faith and possess every blessing the Lord freely and lavishly wants to give you. Discover keys that will help you:

  • Have faith spring forth effortlessly when you see God as a good God who is for you.
  • Boldly ask your heavenly Father for the blessings that are rightfully yours in Christ—including flourishing family relationships, divine healing, and protection.
  • Position yourself for your miracle by focusing on the Lord’s love for you instead of your love for Him.
  • Live with hope when you see how He is constantly working behind the scenes, even in your darkest moments, to make everything work together for your good.

Beloved, begin to walk in the kind of faith that pleases the Lord and start living the abundant life He has for you!
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