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How Worship Puts You In A Receiving Mode For God's Wisdom

How Worship Puts You In A Receiving Mode For God's Wisdom

28 May 2006

About This Sermon

When King Saul was oppressed by an evil sprit of sadness and depression, it was anointed music from David's harp that refreshed him. Similarly when we begin to speak in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, or sing and make melodies in our hearts to the Lord, that worshipful posture actually puts us in a mode to receive God's shalom and wisdom. So if you are facing some challenges today, listen to this powerful message and find out how you can start tuning in to God's wisdom!

*Disclaimer: Do note that as this is a classic sermon, the quality of this sermon’s audio may not be as refined as compared to our later sermons, as this was recorded in a location with limited audio capabilities. Thank you for your understanding

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