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Separated Unto Rest - The Story Of Samson (Part 2 Of A New Series On Rest)

Separated Unto Rest - The Story Of Samson (Part 2 Of A New Series On Rest)

19 August 2007

About This Sermon

Mention Samson, and immediately Delilah comes to mind. But there's more to Samson's story than just that of a biblical strongman's lust and lack of wisdom. It is also about the dangers of being out of rest. Listen as Joseph Prince shares revelations from this well-loved and oft-told Bible story. You will learn what the enemies' tactics are, what you need to do to thwart their attacks and more importantly, how our God is a God of second chances. Despite your failures and defeat, God can turn things around and achieve great feats in and through you, just as He did for Samson. This is a landmark message that every person must listen to over and over again.

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